
What People Say

From Nurse to NursePreneur Coaching Session With Dr. Shannon

Dr. Shannon gave some fantastic advice on moving from being a staff nurse to a nurse entrepreneur. Her tips were clear, practical, and hit home with the truth we all know: nurses are capable, resourceful, and driven.

Dr. Shannon’s advice was straightforward and easy to follow, making the whole process less daunting. She shared practical steps like finding a niche, learning business basics, and networking. This made the idea of starting a business feel much more achievable.

What really stood out was how she highlighted our strengths as nurses. We're problem solvers, critical thinkers, and good communicators—skills that are perfect for running a business. Dr. Shannon reminded us that we already have what it takes to succeed.

She also stressed the importance of setting clear goals and sticking with them, just like we do in patient care. Her advice was a great mix of motivation and practical steps.

In short, Dr. Shannon’s advice was spot on. It was clear, useful, and empowering, reinforcing the belief that as nurses, we can confidently step into the entrepreneurial world.
Graig M, RN
I am so grateful to know Shannon. She has been able to make a difference in my life by changing my thinking. Hearing things from a different perspective has made a difference in how I have handled situations in my life. Those differences have changed my life for
Shannon has always provided sound career advice ensuring to be straightforward, strategic, and knowledgeable. She has walked me through step by step on how to advocate for a promotion and a raise, which I was successful in achieving. I know I can always get guidance from Shannon especially when it comes to my career journey. She is my go to when I need direction regarding my career.
Shannon is a no-nonsense decisive doer. Ask her a question and she has an answer. I know. I have known her for over 15 years and I have seen her in action. Do you need to strategize about a new direction? How about completing a project in a hurry? She has the will, the drive and the resources (or will find them) to help you attain your objectives. Hire Shannon!
I have known Shannon to be a solution oriented individual. She has given me several invaluable pieces of advice throughout the years: Two of the most profitable ones include a recent investment, in which an eight months investment yielded $165,000.00. In addition, Shannon has encouraged me to put my Master’s Degree to use and facilitated my transition into a position that fulfilled the same. I have great confidence in Shannon's coaching abilities, she provides personal experience, in helping you identify your strengths & greatest potentials and provide direction and support, that can help you achieve your goals.
Shannon is a special type of person! She has inspired me to find my passion and turn my passion into a business. She is a trailblazer who I trust based on her proven abilities to be a successful business woman and entrepreneur . She has blessed me by coaching me step by step in starting my own business in which I will launch THIS YEAR with the confidence and determination that it will succeed! Shannon’s approach is realistic guidance with a “Just do it” motto! She has helped me to awaken my dreams and watch them become a reality, and I am grateful to say to Shannon… Thank you for being my Coach and business Advisor!! Your belief in me has resulted in a woman I didn’t know existed . Say hello to the business woman and entrepreneur, ME !
Shannon is a living, breathing role model and inspiration. She has contributed to my personal and professional growth immensely. I remember when she told me once if I want something bad enough and work towards it I can have it and the best time to do that is now when I'm young and energetic. She often tells me never give up, always keep trying, always keep pushing because it will all pay off one day. I have seen her words come to fruition.
Shannon You're a great coach and I deeply value the time we've spent together and the progress you've helped me make in my life. I wouldn't be this far along in reaching my goals or have this much courage to push forward without your support. I've made more progress with you in the last 2 months than I made in 2 years.